
Patrick Karbowski

Automated outreach is NOT dead

“Sending copy and paste messages won’t get you clients”

“Don’t automate your outreach because no will see it”

“Automated outreach is in fact dead.”

These are all lies modern gurus are pushing now a days.

From growth operators saying you only need 1 client to get rich asf.

To other gurus saying you need a personal brand to get clients.

Now while they’re not wrong…

They’re missing the bigger picture.

And it’s in turn messing with your mind.

Because here’s the truth:

Automated cold outreach is not dead.

In facts many businesses are signing deals left and right offering it.

The problem?

Most outreach tactics are out data…

For example, cold email is not the same anymore.

If you warm up your email accounts, send the same copy and pasted message, and play the volume game…

Guess what?

You’ll land in spam.

Get 0 clients.

And stay broke.

Womp womp.

But if you instead…

Don’t warm up your emails, use a ton of spintax (to make email unique), and focus on giving value first…

Then your emails will work.

And if you don’t see it, the strategy is completely different…

Yet most marketers won’t see it.

So now you know…

Cold automated outreach is not dead but works very well.

You just need to create better systems that are different from your competition to make it work.

That's it.

Talk soon,

Patrick Karbowski

Patrick Karbowski

1 email a day, 7x a week. A young man on a mission to master marketing, his internal side, and the world around him. $100k+ made for clients w/ DR marketing. Wrote copy for big Influencers & Ecom Brands

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