
Patrick Karbowski


Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

"You become the lowest standard you can imagine"

A quote from Charlie Morgan who I believe got it from Sam Ovens at first.

Now if you've never heard this before...

Let me explain what it means.

Your standard is who you set yourself to be right now.

How much money you make.

Where you live.

The things you do.

And the choices you make.

Now all of this is on a spectrum... of a high and a low.

The high being your "peak" like believing $10k/mo is enough to be happy

While the low is your minimum which is like "OMFG I'm below $3k this month... I NEED TO DO SOMETHING!"

Which is why it's important to raise your lowest standards.

For example...

Charlie Morgan feels extreme pain if he makes UNDER $500k in a month.

Can you imagine that?

Feeling emotional pain because you made UNDER half a mil in a month?

Most wouldn't even bat an eye to it...

But not him.

Nor Charlie.

You know why?

Because that's what it takes to win.

And what are the chances that Alex Hormozi lives the same way?

Why else do you think he's always searching for more, more, and more?

It's because of pain.

Pain will drive you like never before.

So if you cultivate it in ways that move you forward...

You will win.

And it starts by raising your lowest standard to feel the emotional pain that fuels you.

Now if you want to see the full video Charlie made (that's 2 hours long..)

==> Click here and watch it now

That's it.

Talk soon,

Patrick Karbowski

Patrick Karbowski

DR Copywriter, Marketer & Mindset Fanatic

1 email a day, 7x a week. A young man on a mission to master marketing, his internal side, and the world around him. $100k+ made for clients w/ DR marketing. Wrote copy for big Influencers & Ecom Brands

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