
Patrick Karbowski

"I've been burnt before..."

Published 2 months ago • 2 min read

A few days ago, one of my cold emails was sent to a CBD brand owner who replied with this...

"Hey Patrick,

So many people say they can help, but have zero experience in our industry.

We have tried so many different options, and none have been successful..."

Now I won't share the whole message (only the important part to drive the point home...)

But to be clear...

This instantly told me they're in the sophistication level 5 bucket.

And now how do I know this?

It's simple really...

A. They receive a TON of emails with the same offer/service/promise (but replied to us because we stood out heavily)

B. They tried solutions in the past... BUT were burnt

Now if you understand direct response marketing...

You'll know these are signs of a sophistication level 5 (due the the amount of volume + the fact they were burned)

So how does 1 win in a sophistication level 5 market?

Well... by using these 2 proven methods:

Method 1: Get personal / relate with the customer

Here's what I mean

  • Tell them you understand them
  • Tell them you know what they're life is like
  • Relate with their common struggles / pains (on a personal level)

By doing so... you show them you ACTUALLY understand them (unlike others in your market)

And the deeper, more personal you can get with this...

The better results you'll see.

Now the next method...

Method 2: Unique Mechanism EXTREME

Yes, you still need a unique mechanism...

BUT you need to enhance the F*CK out of it.

What do I mean?

Well, in a sophistication level 3 you need 1 unique mechanism and for a level 4, you need 2


Email marketing (sophistication level 3 -- 1 mechanism only)

Automated psychology bending email marketing strategy (sophistication level 3 -- 2 mechanisms this time (email + different strategy))

Now to apply this to a level 5 market...

You need a THIRD method (or to advance the original 2 mechanisms)

Here's an example:

Automated psychology bending email marketing strategy and SMS squeeze and grow method.

Notice how there's almost 4 unique mechanisms?

This'll stand out like crazy (because no one is going to these extremes)

So now if you still find it confusing...

Then I recommend you get the copywriting blueprint WHICH covers this exact topic (and many more valued at over $2,000) for a measly 2-figure payment...

I mean, there's so much info (on copy, marketing, and even lead gen...) that you'll get an ROI for 5x in a month.

And from what I know...

My partner Leon is making advancements to the original course...

Meaning the price could go up any day, hour or even minute now...

So if you want to grab The Copy Blueprint (before it goes from 2-figures to 3-figures in pricing...

==> Click here now, scroll down, and cop an investment with a minimum 5x ROI in about a month.

That's it.

Talk soon,

Patrick Karbowski

P.S. If you buy The Copy Blueprint now...

You'll still get access to the extra sauce Leon puts in later on.

So don't let that stop you from getting it now (because you'll just have to pay more...)

And if you're ready to invest...

Click here and get it right now (before the price skyrockets up)

Patrick Karbowski

DR Copywriter, Marketer & Mindset Fanatic

1 email a day, 7x a week. A young man on a mission to master marketing, his internal side, and the world around him. $100k+ made for clients w/ DR marketing. Wrote copy for big Influencers & Ecom Brands

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