
Patrick Karbowski

The proper stimuli ='s the proper action

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read


What a weird way to describe copy

But that's exactly what it is... a piece of content that's meant to stimulate the reader into doing (or feeling) something.

Now here's the thing...

Most copywriter craft stimuli THEY THINK is good... but not what the market says is good.

Let me explain...

Most copywriter (and marketers) do their market research, swipe competitors, and follow formulas to craft high-converting campaigns...

And yes, this is great for starting out (especially swiping from competitors...)

But they only end up making a few hundred, maybe a thousand bucks at max.


Because their stimuli never become what the market says is "good"

Instead, it's only at half its potential...

You see, for stimuli to become what I call "good" it needs to go through RIGOROUS testing (with hella data to back it up)

So much data in fact...

That you max out the KPI's of each section of the copy/marketing.

For example... an automated welcome sequence.

Once enough leads go through it, you'll have the data to max out the:

  1. Open rates
  2. Click-through-rates
  3. And even actual sales/booked call rates

After A/B testing different variations to get the highest outcome.

But this doesn't come from the actual market research, copy skills, and all of the above...

It comes from data and testing -- which is the TRUE way to max out a stimuli

So remember...

Do the research.

Write the banger

Then test, test, and test until it's perfect.

And you'll have high-converting stimuli in no time.

That's it.

Talk soon,

Patrick Karbowski

Patrick Karbowski

DR Copywriter, Marketer & Mindset Fanatic

1 email a day, 7x a week. A young man on a mission to master marketing, his internal side, and the world around him. $100k+ made for clients w/ DR marketing. Wrote copy for big Influencers & Ecom Brands

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