
Patrick Karbowski

1 email a day, 7x a week. A young man on a mission to master marketing, his internal side, and the world around him. $100k+ made for clients w/ DR marketing. Wrote copy for big Influencers & Ecom Brands

Automated outreach is NOT dead

“Sending copy and paste messages won’t get you clients” “Don’t automate your outreach because no will see it” “Automated outreach is in fact dead.” These are all lies modern gurus are pushing now a days. From growth operators saying you only need 1 client to get rich asf. To other gurus saying you need a personal brand to get clients. Now while they’re not wrong… They’re missing the bigger picture. And it’s in turn messing with your mind. Because here’s the truth: Automated cold outreach is...

Discipline is for LOSERS...

"Discipline is for losers. If you only focus on discipline, you'll never actually expierrance life to the fullest" Now I know you reading this might not believe what I just said... But it's true. 100% And I'm about to show you why... You see, you've been told for years that discipline is the key to success... And in a way, it is... But the idea of discipline is negative. For example, when you did something wrong as a kid... what happened? You got disciplined. Now let's say you live your life...

"I've been burnt before..."

A few days ago, one of my cold emails was sent to a CBD brand owner who replied with this... "Hey Patrick, So many people say they can help, but have zero experience in our industry. We have tried so many different options, and none have been successful..." Now I won't share the whole message (only the important part to drive the point home...) But to be clear... This instantly told me they're in the sophistication level 5 bucket. And now how do I know this? It's simple really... A. They...

Hustle 24/7... OR Balance

A lot of hustle culture gurus (especially young ones) think you need to hustle 24/7... "I need to make money every day!" "I need to work non-stop 24/7" "I have no life and just grind..."' Lmao Honestly, I used to be like this over a year ago... Back in the day, I sacrificed my relationships (with people who didn't have the "hustle mindset") and almost NEVER went out. And what happened? I live life with almost no friends (which meant terrible social skills) I had nothing to do in my spare time...

This will change the way you think (for the better...)

You've probably never heard of the concept I'm about to teach you... But I bet you've done it (at least a few times in your life...) Some people have told you to do it... but they've never really been clear about it... And on many levels... You've thought about it Yet you aren't using it now... and the simple answer to why is... You don't understand what it is. Which is why I'll stop 'hyping it up' and spill the sauce with you right now about... A mental model that ALL successful people have....

SMS marketing 101

No one talks about SMS marketing... Even though it's one of the most UNDERRATED assets an ecom biz can have. And what's worse? Most brands and agency do it wrong. You see, they install, 1... maybe 2 sms flows and send sms campaigns on holidays... But that's not enough. You can use it in so many MORE ways... For example, my agency does some extra special SMS marketing strategies... like these: We send 1 SMS campaign per week (focusing purely on direct response marketing principles) We install...

The proper stimuli ='s the proper action

Stimuli. What a weird way to describe copy But that's exactly what it is... a piece of content that's meant to stimulate the reader into doing (or feeling) something. Now here's the thing... Most copywriter craft stimuli THEY THINK is good... but not what the market says is good. Let me explain... Most copywriter (and marketers) do their market research, swipe competitors, and follow formulas to craft high-converting campaigns... And yes, this is great for starting out (especially swiping...


"You become the lowest standard you can imagine" A quote from Charlie Morgan who I believe got it from Sam Ovens at first. Now if you've never heard this before... Let me explain what it means. Your standard is who you set yourself to be right now. How much money you make. Where you live. The things you do. And the choices you make. Now all of this is on a spectrum... of a high and a low. The high being your "peak" like believing $10k/mo is enough to be happy While the low is your minimum...

Design you copy to success

Recently, I gave myself a new role that I've never actually taken before... And I mean I don't mind it... But lowkey... I'm not the best... You see, I recently became the main designer for our team... Because in ecom... design is hella important. So while my partner-in-crime focuses on copy... I focus on turning that copy into pure, money-making sexiness. Now in this email, I'm about to drop ALL the email design tips I learned... So you can take and use them yourself. Starting with... Tip 1:...

Ecom VS SaaS

The other day, I had a subscribe answer my question with this: I wanna know the difference between ecom email marketing vs saas email marketing And honestly... This is a very interesting question Because on the outside, it doesn't look like there's much difference... But on the inside? Two totally different games. Let me explain... Both niches do use campaigns/weekly emails and flows/sequences. But where they differ lies in the setup... You see, when it comes to ecom... most brands should opt...

1 email a day, 7x a week. A young man on a mission to master marketing, his internal side, and the world around him. $100k+ made for clients w/ DR marketing. Wrote copy for big Influencers & Ecom Brands